Back-End Stack (Guide to become Full Stack Developer)

The front end of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything that you see when you’re navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colors to dropdown menus and sliders, is a combo of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being controlled by your computer’s browser. So, ever wondered! what makes the front end of a website possible? Where is all that data stored? This is where the back end comes in.
In our previous article, we have shown you the pathway to the world of a Front-End Developer. Now, let’s take a dive into the world of a Back-End Developer.

So, now let’s have a look at the Back-End developer pathway.
In back-end technology, there are many programming languages such as PHP, Python, JavaScript, Java, GO, Dart, etc. Some of them are functional Languages such as Erlang, and Scala and some are scripting languages such as Python, and NodeJs. So, first, we need to pick one of the programming languages.

After having our programming language in our hand we need to practice some ideas over that and try to dive deeper into that language, like

After practicing the language for some time and building some sample projects. Then, we should have knowledge of various package managers like the composer for PHP, npm for Node.JS, pip for Python, etc.

Diving deep into the programming we should need to learn all the best practices of the programming language, like the nomenclature of variables, methods, DRY, and KISS coding.

Software testing is one of the most important is which every developer generally skips, and this is one of the critical parts for any final product working, that we should check our code base once for both individual and integrated, for its proper working. In PHP we have PHPUnit and in JavaScript, we have Jest and others.

API creation/ Web Services Creation — Nowadays we use APIs as we have separate frameworks for Front-End like ReactJS, and Angular, and separate Frameworks for the backend. And for connecting them we use APIs and it’s not just about the web, We mostly use APIs at the time of Mobile Application Development, so, for that, we should know how to develop APIs with all the proper standards.

Diving into the world of Frameworks (advanced & smart way to develop any project rapidly)

PHP — we need to check all the currently trending frameworks of that such as Laravel, CakePHP, and Phalcon. And we must have a comparison chart of all so, that we can decide which framework to choose for the given task.

JavaScript — JavaScript is one of the most trending languages (Scripting Language) in the world of software development, as it can be used in both Web and App Development environments. Node.JS is the engine to run JavaScript and the most popular Back-End frameworks are ExpressJS, Hapi, AdonisJS, etc.

Python — Python is most popular in the area of Machine Learning and Data Science, and the most popular frameworks of Python are Kiwi, Django, Flask, etc.

In the Back-End Development pathway, there are more sections such as Databases, Microservice and Server Architecture that will be covered into the next post, to prevent the complexity of the topic.