Cancellation Policy
Last Updated: 10 Aug, 2024

Thank you for choosing services from The New Angle (a brand of Crestinn Digital Solutions Pvt. Ltd.).

Project Scope and Understanding:
At The New Angle, all projects, including Web Design, Web Development, Mobile Application Development, Digital Marketing, Consultancy Services, and Website Maintenance, are undertaken only after a comprehensive analysis and the creation of a complete scope document. This ensures that both our team and the client have a clear understanding of the work involved, thereby minimizing the risk of any project cancellation, reversal, or dispute.

Refund Policy:
Given the collaborative effort required to achieve each milestone and complete each module, we do not offer refunds for work once it has been assigned to us. Payments made for custom design projects or the aforementioned services are non-refundable. If a project is canceled or postponed, all payments already made will be retained by The New Angle. Additionally, if applicable, the client will be required to pay for any work completed beyond what has already been paid for.

Chargebacks and Payment Disputes:
If we receive a chargeback or payment dispute (e.g., through Razorpay, PayPal, Payumoney, or any other online payment platform) from a credit card company or bank, your service and/or project will be suspended without notice. A $50 chargeback fee, along with any outstanding balances resulting from the chargeback(s), must be paid in full before service is restored, files are delivered, or any further work is done. Instead of initiating a chargeback, please contact us directly to resolve any billing issues. Requesting a chargeback or opening a payment dispute for a valid charge is considered fraud and is neither an appropriate nor legal means of obtaining a refund. Please ensure you fully understand our refund policy before making a payment.

Cancellation and Service Terms:

  • Cancellation Notice Period: A notice period of 1 month is required for any service cancellation.
  • Service Refunds: There will be no refunds for any advisory, consultancy, or maintenance services. For custom development projects, if a milestone has not been started, no charges will be applied. However, if the milestone work has commenced, no refund will be issued.
  • Dedicated Team Services: For clients utilizing a dedicated team, a minimum contract period of 3 months is required. If the client wishes to cancel the service, reduce the team size, or change resources, a 2-month prior notice is mandatory.

No Refund Policy:
We work closely with our clients to ensure all queries are resolved and work begins only after receiving client approval. Therefore, once work is confirmed and payment is made, it is non-refundable under any circumstances. Please review our refund and cancellation policies thoroughly before making any payment.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions about our Service Cancellation Policy, please contact us:

Please make sure you fully understand our policies prior to engaging our services.